Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The Communal Building

(amazing mural by Sam Lopes, our former house mate!)

The Parlor Cabin

The Outhouse

The Land

(wood burning hot tub)

("the jolly roger" sleeping platform)

kimchi, 2 batches


Our friend, Jordan Reznick, recently had a photo show at the Spare Room Project (in our basement).  Her work was a tribute to the community she was a part of at Breitenbush in Oregon.  The photos were magical.  I bought a small one and hung it with my collection of tools for cutting.  The hanging ceramic piece next to it is by another one of my favorite local artists, Jo Boyer, who is also a singer of sad songs.

new postcards

left is belated birthday magic for finn, right is belated fancyland thank you for sacha.
timeliness is not one of my stronger points.

recent observations about nothing in particular
