Saturday, May 3, 2008

sf victory gardens is accepting applications

Last year bay area artist Amy Franceschini teamed up with Garden for the Environment to start this amazing Victory Gardens project where they deliver kits (via modified tricycle) around San Francisco to start your own food producing garden plot. Here's the blurb from the GFE newsletter:

The Victory Gardens 2008+ Program is now accepting applications to particpate in the Victory Gardening Program. Victory Gardens 2008+ is a pilot project funded by the City of San Francisco to support the transition of backyard, front yard, window boxes, rooftops, and unused land into organic food production areas. As a participant, you will work with the Victory Gardens team to install a garden in your outdoor space. Although you will be the primary caretaker of the garden, the Victory Garden team will provide ongoing support. For more information, please visit

(image via design 21)