Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yellow Yesterday

My name is Lauren and I'm a dirty old chair addict.

I had to stop home on my lunch break yesterday and spotted some really amazing fiberglass school chairs on the side of the road a block over and up from my house. I couldn't tell if they were out for free or waiting to go in someone's truck, so I cruised by, went about what I had to take care of at home, but, being the discarded treasure junky that I am, left myself the above sick and obsessive note to swing back around and see if they had been abandoned. So I did, and when I got there they lookd alone and lonely so I scooped them up, didn't even close my tailgate, looped around and dropped them off. Aren't they sooo cute?!

Then on my way home I stopped by this lovely tree that's blooming with the most vibrant yellow flowers. I always pass it and it lights up my belly and makes my cheeks warm, it's just that kind-of thing that makes me feel happy and fortunate to be here and getting by and passing the most wonderful yellow flowers tree on my way home from work everyday. It makes the things that seem not so good, seem not so bad, at least for a little while.