i've been back from vacation for over a week now, but considering i spent the majority of that week with the blankets pulled up over my snotty, fevery, flu riddled head, i'm just now getting back into the swing of things. and while i'm quite happy to welcome a whole new year, i wouldn't be giving due diligence to the end of this past lovely year without a quick nod to my good friend, vacation. i know i checked in from South Carolina (you remember, the week before xmas that i spent in a t-shirt and shorts at the beach?), and on from there I hopped the train up to Virginia to visit my bro, sis-in-law, and most lovely little potato niece. We hung out a few days, cooked, ate, slept in, watched bad movies, blew bubbles, and danced with the robot frosty-the-snowman. Then we piled in the car and headed up to my folks place in Delaware, for some more rest, cookies, wine, crazy dog, naps on the couch, knitting, more bad movies, good china, and time with friends and family. oh, and what trip wouldn't be complete with a little local seed saving and plant dividing? all the last minute 2008 catch up follows... i got good feelings for this new year and am so happy to share 2009 with you all! yipee!

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