This seems an appropriate time to breach the subject of what I've been up to in my gaping absence from this little account of my day to day. I started a very small, very rough around the edges, non-profit that harvests backyard produce, works on community gardening projects, and creates green summer jobs for high school students.
Produce to the People. That's it. It's been (and continues to be) a wholly amazing and wholly exhausting experience. It's pushed my boundaries in all sorts of directions, and made me really check in with myself about what's important and what to let go. I have met, worked with, and shared food with some of the most beautiful folks, hung out with some of the most brilliant and caring teenagers, and eaten some of the most delicious produce, grown within a 3 or 4 mile radius of my home. I feel really lucky to be in this place right now, right here, and see where the road leads.
So right now, I can hardly believe it, but the road is taking me full circle to Produce to the People being featured on Studio Choo's "We like it Wild" section of Design Sponge. It is surreal because I've been reading DS for years, since I was a materials librarian and much more deeply involved in the art and design world, and since my library cohort was the lovely Lia Thomas, who now works with Jill and Alethea of Studio Choo. So serendipitous!

A million thanks to Lia and Studio Choo and Design Sponge, and to all the readers who had such nice and generous comments. I'll be here, picking fruit, sewing seeds, making things, and thinking about stuff, so stay in touch!
you great. nice work.
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